Launching a successful video campaign not only requires the ability to produce high-quality video media, but it also requires you to properly promote and bring awareness to the video before and during the launch of the video online itself. Implementing a few tips and tricks along with professional services can ensure you maximize the reach you get with any type of video you share online, whether it is brand-related or personal.
Build Excitement and Awareness
Building excitement and awareness about an upcoming video release is highly recommended when you want to get as much exposure as possible regardless of the video’s content. Create new hashtags that represent your video, utilizing specific keywords or a message you want to share with your followers and online audience.
Working With the Right Video Production Professionals
When you want your video production done properly, consider the option of working together with professionals such as those from Cut ‘n Run Studios out of Pittsburgh, PA. Working with video production professionals is a way to ensure your final cut of any video you create is high-quality and worth your investment.
Uploading Your Video Online
After video production is complete, uploading your video online using YouTube is the first step to getting publicity necessary for success with a video campaign. If you have a more creative or unique video, it is also advisable to consider joining the Vimeo community, where it is also free to upload videos. Uploading your video to YouTube is one of the quickest ways to share video media content within browsers and mobile devices, optimizing your video campaign for all visitors and users interested in your content.
Selecting the Right Thumbnail for Your Video
Be sure to review the thumbnails that are available for your video before selecting one. Avoid choosing a thumbnail including a close-up of a face or an unidentified object or individual. Instead, choose a thumbnail that is bright, inviting or that captures a message or information about the video itself. Using a clear thumbnail that is also interesting or leaves a bit of mystery is another way to gain traction with page views and visitors to your content.
Choosing Ideal Keywords to Your Video’s Metadata
Choosing keywords wisely for your video is also essential for proper promotion. Include relevant keywords and phrases with less than two to three words to maximize optimization within the metadata of YouTube and search engines including Google and Bing.
Consistent Promotion of Your Video Using Social Media
Once you have uploaded your video to YouTube and Vimeo you can begin sharing your content immediately with plugins and social media sharing buttons, giving you the ability to instantly reach hundreds and thousands of users worldwide simultaneously.
Having an understanding of how to properly launch a video with maximum reach and exposure online is a way to expedite the process of sharing new media and gaining new traction with promotions and when sharing your content with others. The more time and effort you put in to promoting each of the videos you want to share with your audience, the more impact and influence you are likely to have altogether.